images that enhance stories


Who you gonna call?

This weekend was also host to the first day of shooting on a Ghostbusters Fan Film I’ve been working on with the very talented Veronica Victor. We’ve been in pre-production on this project for the last few months and it has been a great time getting back into the swing of things as a DP and Co-Producer.

We started off Saturday getting our vehicle exteriors of Tony Tran’s Ecto 1 RDX. It was the first real shoot I was able to use my new anamorphic adaptor, The Anamorphot 40 Compact. It gives a great additional layer of character to the vintage Nikons.

Sunday was our first real production day with the actors. It was a pretty intense day as well. We shot our car interiors with a poor man’s process. I had the pleasure of Austin Reeves helping me out with his time, talent, and gear. We shot these on Rokinon lenses and it was mainly lit with an Aperture 600 light and man am I glad we had it. Everyone made it thru the 99 degree weather. I don’t know why it’s always the hottest days of the year when I shoot this kind of scene. It really came out nicely.

We’re very excited about this project and can’t wait to get the rest of the production underway and get it out. I has been a complete pleasure to work on and we’re excited to show it off.

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