images that enhance stories


Where have I been?

Honestly. I have been slacking off. After a few negative experiences on projects, I’ve been focusing on living my life a little and resetting on what I want to create.  Focusing on smaller projects that will allow me to work on content closer to my personal interests. 



I went on a trip to finally see California, something I have been looking forward to for 30 or so years. It was a short trip but a welcome break from a cold wet winter in New York. I got to visit a few places I have only dreamed I could see. Such as the Bradbury Building, a location made famous in Blade Runner, a seminal film in my life.  



Going there remindeded me of what I wanted to get into in the first place. So much of that town has been shot that I would run into places that fit into a million fictional stories that just fit because the angle was right.

It was a great time personally as well as for perspective on craft. I got to see friends that moved out there and are killing it. spending some time with my fiancée seeing sights and enjoying the rest.



The trip was a great reset and I can’t wait to get back to focusing on what I want to create. The fantastic. 

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